Re: [Q]: NAS-Port-Type = 56K perhaps? (fwd)

Brian Elfert (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 17:10:23 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 17 Jul 1997, Adam Wills (Global 2000) wrote:

> I suppose you could just buy ALL pm3's, replace ALL your pm2's (buy on
> FAITH) that EVERYONE will have 56k modems and that will avoid you needing
> to see these stats to determine future buying- OR you could get one or 2
> pm3's, look at the stats (IF livingston puts in the 56k vs analog
> attribute) and see when you need more pure digital modems. We are still
> waiting 'for a product' before we buy any 56kflex units from any vendor,

We're going to buy a PM3 regardless of K56Flex support. Our costs are
lower to go with CT1s instead of POTS lines.

We also have a USR Total Control bundle. We won't buy another because of
modem code upgrade problems, expensive support, and no OSPF. I'm not
convinced that X2 has gained us that many customers. We have 7 ports of
48 used at the moment and it's after 5 PM.

We sold a PM2E-30 and a USR MP/16 when we got the TC chassis, and we
actually made money off the sale. We bought the equipment used, and sold
it for more than we paid originally.
