Re: A portmaster time out

Brian Elfert (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 16:11:27 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 17 Jul 1997, Robert Hiltibidal wrote:

> I have been using the pmwho utility in a cron job at regular intervals for
> web based administration. During peak errors I get a "lpmwho: pm1 timed
> out error" I have 12 portmasters on this network and the only one I get
> timed out errors on is pm1. It is the busiest of all of the portmasters,
> ie all 30 ports are usually busy.

You've probably got some hung telnet sessions on that Portmaster. The PMs
can only have four telnet sessions at a time.

> Is there anything I can do to this portmaster to keep it from timing out?
> I'be been thinking about adding more memory but my boss doesn't believe
> that's the source of the problem. Its running comos 3.3.3 We'll be making
> the switch to ComOS 3.5 once its out of beta testing.

ComOS 3.5 for the PM2 series has been out of beta for about 6 months.
3.5.1 is still in beta. 3.5 seems to work just fine unless you have a
PM2ER, and are using the sync port.
