Re: PLL Errors on 2501 -> PM3

Kelley Lingerfelt (
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 21:12:02 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 16 Jul 1997, Dick St.Peters wrote:

> Kyle Platts writes:
> > You have a timing problem. The PM3 can only take clock from the
> > loop, so the Adtran must be set up to provide clock to the span.
> > The telco passes timing through the network.=20
> >
> > Verify that the Adtran is set to Internal clocking under config -
> > network (ni) - clock source
> Kyle, I have two T1s with the same setup as Kelley Lingerfelt:
> cisco2501+Adtran TSU on one end, PM3 on the other.
> Setting the Adtran NI clocks to INTERNAL gives PLL alarms and, on the
> ciscos, CRC errors, at a rate of 3-4/min. Changing the Adtran NI
> clocking to NETWORK makes the alarms and CRC errors go away.

It is definitely not supposed to work that way here in Bell South land,
we are supposed to supply clock on the T1s. Because I have another T1
connection setting right next to this one, setup like such:

ORHS<->Adtran TSU <-----------> Adtran TSU<->ORHS,

that at last check was up
for 24 days, with one set to internal and the other set to network.

> Also, I've run a NYNEX T1 Adtran to Adtran (and 2501 to 2501) with
> both ends taking clock from the network, with no alarms and no errors
> for as long as 16 months. I can't swear to it, but I think it was
> Adtran support that first told me to run a NYNEX line this way.

You referred to this earlier, that NYNEX supplied clock on
their leased lines, but Bell South doesn't.

But, all that aside, after I changed from INTERNAL clock to NETWORK clock,
everything went swimmingly for approx 4 or 5 hours, then the PM3 at the
remote end decided to just reboot. Whammo, this is probably not what the
subscribers at the remote pop care for as a solution. :) It came right
back up, the best I can determine, looking at the syslogs and radius
files. Anyway this is basically an update to the current situation.

Here are some of the readings from the Adtran, the PM3 has been back up
for 1:30.

Alm History
Loss of Signal: Inactive
AIS Alarm:Inactive
Out of Frame:Active
Yellow Alarm:Inactive
Red Alarm:Active
Code Violations:Active
BiPolar Viol:Inactive
Frame Bit Errors:Active
PLL Alarm:Active

SES 0/1
ES 0/2
%AV 100/100
%EF 100/100
CVs 0/0
