Re: E-mail support (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 18:52:53 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jon Lewis shaped the electrons to say...
>Am I having parity errors, or do I really remember a message several
>months ago saying messages sent to portmaster-users and cc'd to
> were automatically ignored by

No automatically, but they run the risk of being ignored. Since the techs
use 'filter' to sort the incoming mail into boxes, if you send it to the list
but CC support - filter is going to sort on the "To:" line and it won't go
into the support queue.

I try to discourage people from sending mail to the list AND to support.

On top of everything else, it is annoying. I also tend to ignore them on
the list.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
Phone: 800-458-9966 510-737-2100 FAX: 510-737-2110
For support requests:  <> 
Snail mail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588