growing unreachable sites (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 16:34:54 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jason Robbins shaped the electrons to say...
>Please bare with me if this is obvious, I am an unexperienced owner of
>a new PM-3. Here is the problem:

What ComOS are you running? Are you up to 3.5.1b20?

>After a while, certain sites start to come up that a dial-in user cannot
>get to, through the portmaster. One such site is
>On the local network to which the portmaster is connected, I can get to
>the site just fine. A traceroute from the portmaster itself shows that
>it can get to the site just fine. But a user dialed into the portmaster

It does sound like a routing issue. When this happens can you have them
use 'tracert' on the Win95 box (Or whatever traceroute they have if not
Win95) to the site. That should help determine where their packets are
getting lost.

Note though, that unless you have 3.5.1b20 or higher, any Livingston units
will not reply to Microsoft's 'tracert' - which is why I asked if you had
upgraded to that level as yet.

Make sure you aren't somehow assigning two users the same IP, or anything
else that could be causing a routing conflict (bad subnetting, etc).


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