Re: growing unreachable sites

Jason Robbins (
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 11:15:07 -0500

> >After a while, certain sites start to come up that a dial-in user cannot
> >get to, through the portmaster. One such site is
> >On the local network to which the portmaster is connected, I can get to
> >the site just fine. A traceroute from the portmaster itself shows that
> >it can get to the site just fine. But a user dialed into the portmaster
> >cannot get to the site. Most other sites still work, but some do not. A
> >reboot of the PM-3 fixes the problem, at least for a while. Have not
> >experimented to see how long of a time period it works, but I cannot break
> >it by dialing in repeatedly, hitting the flakey sites, dialing in as
> >different users, etc. It just takes time. Any clues out there for
> >the clueless?
> If you are speaking of FTP, it sounds as if you don't have your entire IP
> address pool covered by reverse name DNS. Apple's FTP sites do a reverse
> name lookup on the incoming IP address and will not connect if the lookup
> fails. [It's part of pretending not to violate US export restrictions.]
> If you're speaking of Web, I think the problem is something else.
> --John

Yes, this is a web site. And I seem to have rarp set up ok, with all the
relevant addresses.

Jason Robbins