RE: E-mail support (Re: OSPF checksum error on Cisco)

Jake Messinger (
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 09:46:30 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, Walter Wenzler III wrote:

> Actually your wrong Jake as I handle several support questions through
> email while I am on hold with vendors or when people are unavailble at

Actually no I'm not. My masters thesis dealt (in part) with this subject.
You may be able to handle a FEW support issues via email but you rely on
the customer to give you good information in the first place. If they do
not, then you have to ask for the needed information. Then the customer
STILL may NOT give you the correct information. There are too many
variables. You must rely on the customer's grasp of the problem, their
typing speed and response to follow-up questions, their ability to write
out their problems. You loose all inflections and sublteties which clue
tech support people to certain things.

An INTERACTIVE conversation is the BEST way to handle tech support (on the

Now please don't take this to mean that I think email support should go
away! Not at ALL! EMAIL support is a great enhancement to a voice support

I could go into more detail on the pro's and con's of email versus voice
and automated call processing, etc... but it is about 57 pages.

And besides, this really has little to do with portmaster issues. I think
they system that Livingston has in place now works VERY well!

Jake Messinger 713-772-6690
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
8300 Bissonnet #400
Houston, Texas 77074