Re: sportster winmodem / PM3

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 11:40:49 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 11 Jul 1997, Tim Hodges, Triangle Telephone Cooperative Assoc. wrote:

> A user is having trouble connecting with my PM3..
> Here is all the details.
> PM3, Ch-T1, 3.5.1b20
> USR Sportster Winmodem 28.8
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That's the problem!!!

Is it a true USR Sportster or a relabeled one? Seems USR OEM'd this puppy
to everyone and their dog! If it's like the one Gateway2K had, then you
really really need to treat this install tenderly with a hammer.

The install disks should also install a port driver.

I've been told a website that had this information was taken down... 8(

The gist is that you need the newest drivers for that particular revision
of modem. It maybe one upgraded to 33.6Kbps, which uses a different modem
driver. In addition, if no USR modem had ever been installed then it
should install fine, but if there was a USR modem installed or the
old/incorrect USR driver was installed then there's a bunch of win
registry stuff that needs to be editted.

Basically, find all references to USR in the registry and rip it out.
Take out all the USR .inf etc that were installed into /windows/system and
redo the install... Oh, and make sure you first uninstall the devices
properly then go lower level to take out the .infs. This includes the
port driver!

Then try to reinstall....

Looking at it from a labor/time=money concept, you may be much better off
taking that modem in trade and getting something like the flavor of the
month 33.6Kbps special from your local superstore and giving that to the
user. (just make sure that you don't get another USR... ;)

If I can get the drivers off the disk my friend has, I'll put the info

Aloha from Paradise,
