Re: Hung PMCOnsole session

Thomas Kinnen (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 09:03:15 -0400

> "sh netc<ENTER>" to see the net connection table.
> "reset nxxx" where xxx is the id (left column number) of the PMConsole

Thanks, I though that was it but the on-line help did not say you cold
reset a net connection just the ports, console, or NIC.

MZ: Could you pass on to the correct people that the on-line help does not
show that you can reset a netcon with reset just what is shown below.


portmaster> help reset
Valid reset commands are:
all - Reset all PortMaster ports
Port_Name - Reset the specific PortMaster port
console - Disable the system console
nic - Reset the PortMaster ethernet controller
portmaster> ver
Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.5
System uptime is 22 days 1 hours 4 minutes