RE: stand up, sit down, rah rah rah

Robert Hanson (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 21:18:18 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Tom Samplonius wrote:

> Engineering has never released the results of this testing either. Why
> even bring it up?

because it is relevant internally and "could/should" be externally to

> For example, how much extra load do you incure with a 10 rule filter
> (assuming all 10 rules need to checked)?
> How loaded is a PM2e/30 with 30 ports doing PPP at 115200 bidirectional?
> How loaded is a PM3/2T with 46 active B channels running flat out?
> None of this information is available.

sure it is, not just packaged or communicated the way some people need or
want it.

> I've e-mail several times, and have yet to see
> even a maximum packets/second supported by various Livingston. All my
> requests have been ignored. For example, I know that a Gandalf 5250 can
> do 15,000 pps, and a BayNetworks ASN can do 25,000 pps. What can a PM3
> do? Engineering probably doesn't even know... or the PM3 performance is
> unimpressive.

do you own one or more? are you "unimpressed"? if so and if so, then can i
have $200,000k to get 12 or more pm3s ill be happy to impress you with
these boxes...

I really wish I had access to two spare TSUs, two 2501s
> and etherswitch. Then I'd configure each PM3 T1 port for p2p use, and use
> 2501s to each pipe in 1.5mbs of minimum sized UDP traffic to the PM3, to
> be routed to the ethernet. Would the PM3 be able to handle it? Probably
> not...
> Tom

it is potentially very poor judgement that livingston doesnt communicate
these things in terms of marketing and bragging rights. it is IMHO very
bad judgement not to at least "reply" and ack that you and your questions
exist and have merit (not stud programmer bulley ;) ) or special weight.

im willing to bet a chesseburger or two that the pm3 can kick ass in a
perfect world pps wise... i do suggest that if you really want to know the
answers, and if livingston doesnt provide them with some kinda data
structure then dump a coupla grand and buy the stuff and run some tests
and let us all know.

to me, a pm3 is not a dual t1 router in/out router to the world running
bgp. it is mainly an commserver for pri or chant1 on both ports OR run a
ds1 to a pop with 24 lines in the other port for dialtone until you need
more routing and the other pm3 port would be better serving modems or isdn
or frame or whatever till that pop grows etc etc. although i dont run it,
ospf seems to be a kewl thing in the liv camp and very functional if you
know what you are doing and implement it properly.

when pm's can support multiple networks on the eth interfaces and/or have
more eth interfaces then i will have to take a harder look at NOT having
cisco at every pop for "main" routing duties and I AM A HUGE LIVINGSTON
FANATIC. face it, they make the kill sh*t for what they make it for and
being them.

Robert H. Hanson
422 West Riverside Cutting Edge Communications, Inc.
Suite #516
Spokane, Wa. 99201 Regional Commercial Internet Service Provider
(509) 444-INET email: -