Re: BGP (fwd)

Tom Samplonius (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 19:42:20 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Patrick Greenwell shaped the electrons to say...
> >Yes you have. So does engineering just kinda poke at the test boxes in the
> >lab, scratch their heads, and guess when a box is at capacity?
> No, we have external scopes we can hook onto the chip leads and see what
> kind of I/O is being done, how the bus is doing, etc. But it is an
> *external* monitor, non-intrusive, out-of-band. I don't see a good way
> include an ocilliscope in the unit. :-)

Engineering has never released the results of this testing either. Why
even bring it up?

For example, how much extra load do you incure with a 10 rule filter
(assuming all 10 rules need to checked)?

How loaded is a PM2e/30 with 30 ports doing PPP at 115200 bidirectional?

How loaded is a PM3/2T with 46 active B channels running flat out?

None of this information is available.

I've e-mail several times, and have yet to see
even a maximum packets/second supported by various Livingston. All my
requests have been ignored. For example, I know that a Gandalf 5250 can
do 15,000 pps, and a BayNetworks ASN can do 25,000 pps. What can a PM3
do? Engineering probably doesn't even know... or the PM3 performance is
unimpressive. I really wish I had access to two spare TSUs, two 2501s,
and etherswitch. Then I'd configure each PM3 T1 port for p2p use, and use
2501s to each pipe in 1.5mbs of minimum sized UDP traffic to the PM3, to
be routed to the ethernet. Would the PM3 be able to handle it? Probably

> -MZ
> --
> Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
> Phone: 800-458-9966 510-737-2100 FAX: 510-737-2110
> For support requests: <>
> Snail mail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588
