Re: BGP (fwd)

Patrick Greenwell (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 15:49:45 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Patrick Greenwell shaped the electrons to say...
> >BGP code may be, I would advise against running it until Livingston
> >provides this capability.
> I've explained many times now why CPU monitoring on Livingston units is
> absolutely meaningless. The kernel design is not suited to monitoring.
> I strongly doubt we will rewrite ComOS just to allow CPU monitoring since
> it would be a major, low-level rewrite.

Yes you have. So does engineering just kinda poke at the test boxes in the
lab, scratch their heads, and guess when a box is at capacity?

Patrick Greenwell (510) 934-2153 voice
Network Administrator (510) 906-1173 fax
European Telecom