Re: Slot overkill in PM3 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 13:53:10 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Adrian Carter shaped the electrons to say...
>Simple. In the US, a T1 = 26 Channels. In other countries that support the
>E1 standard, we have 30 Channels. Thats why a E1 does 1984Kbps and a T1
>only does 1664Kps (correct my fiugres if they are wrong.. its late here =) ).

T1 is *24* 64K channels. E1 is *32* 64K channels.

On a T1 all 24 are used for data and signalling is inband, cutting it to
24 56K data channels. On T1 PRI one channel is used for signalling leaving
23 64K channels.

On E1 2 channels are used for signalling either way, and you have 30 64K
data channels.

Note these are for channelized circuits/PRI. Used as a straight leased line
it is one big pipe.

T1 is 1536K plus 8K signalling for 1544K.
E1 is 2048K.

>>I'm filling our PM3's with 8-modem cards, but thought I'd ask about this.
>>What would make you want to use the 10-modem cards? Are there some planned
>>upgrades happening soon that will make 10-modem cards the easy choise to
>>free more slots for other things? If so, what?

I'd use 4 10s and an 8 - same cost, and it leaves a slot open. yes we have
other cards planned for the chassis.


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