Mixed radius servers?? (Anyone know)

Howard Leadmon (howardl@abs.net)
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 20:48:40 -0400 (EDT)

I have decided to finally get off my butt and upgrade our network from
Livingston Radius 1.16 to the current 2.01 release. But here is the problem
I see. I have one machine that handles the authentication for the users,
and a totally different machine that captures the accounting data. So in
reality I have radius on 4 different servers.

Well our accounting and billing software vendor tells us that the record
formats for 1.x radius, and 2.x radius are different, and requires different
parsers or it will mess up the accounting data. So now the conversion has
to be synchronized with the accounting software to avoid trouble. I didn't
realize that the 2.0 had a different format, so go figure..

So here is the real question. Can I upgrade my authentication servers to
the new 2.0.1 code, yet still allow the PM's (we have PM2's and PM3's) to
report the accounting data back to the 1.16 servers?? If so this will make
life easier as I can make it a two-step process. Just not sure if having
authentication on 2.x will cause trouble for a 1.x server recording accounting

Has anyone done this?? Livingston, will this work??

Internet : howardl@abs.net | Howard D. Leadmon
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