Default route on ORU (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 04:28:17 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Pete Kruckenberg shaped the electrons to say...
>configure an ORU. It appears that the ORU does not work if I set up a
>separate subnet on the ISDN link and on the Ethernet interface. I have to

I'm not sure a follow. It is not normal to set a local IP on the ISDN
interface - therefore it would have no address, and therefore no subnet, of
its own. The IPs concerned are the ether0 IP of the OR and the IP reported
by the NAS on the far end.

You *can* set a local IP in the location table, it is just not normally done.

>set up the ISDN interface to be on the same subnet as the Ethernet
>interface, right? Does this mean that the ISDN interface should be the
>same as the Ethernet address, or do they have to be different?

Do you mean the IP you report to the NAS as being you? Normally that is
the ether0 IP.

>So, I've got that working. Now, the question is whether the gateway *must*
>be the address of the NAS that I'm dialing into. I can only seem to get it

No, the gateway can be anything. HOWEVER, if you are looking to do
on-demand dialing, the location table needs a destination IP and a netmask.
After all, that is how it dials - if the packet is destined for an IP that
falls within the range defined by those two items, it dials. Without a
destination IP and netmask it cannot stick a route into the routing table.
No route, no packets. No packets, no dial.

You could make the default gateway fall within this range.

>to work that way. My concern is what happens if the ORU dials into a
>different NAS, which would obviously have a different address. If the ORU

That's a problem. You have to know the IP of the NAS you are dialing into.

Livingston has two ways of handling this:
1. 'reported-ip' - set the same IP to be reported across chassis.
2. Use the local user table and set local-ip-addr for the user. Make
this user entry on all units.

Unfortunately there is no standard way of passing this in RADIUS so you can't
use RADIUS with a static local IP addr. I did propose it in the ietf-radius
list, but it needs more support - feel free to support it there.

I don't believe Ascend has either of the above options on their NAS gear.

>can negotiate the ISDN link address, why can't it also set the default
>route as part of that negotiation?

For on-demand it cannot negotiate the ISDN link address of the other end.
It can do that only on manual or continuous dial. And once the link is up
you can always use RIP to learn the default route.


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