Re: Getting Service-Type=Login-User to work (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 03:05:41 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Thomas Kinnen shaped the electrons to say...
>> DEFAULT Auth-Type=System,
>> Service-Type=Login-User,
>> DEFAULT Auth-Type=System,Prefix="P"
>> Service-Type=Framed-User,
>AFAIK: You need to have a suffix or prefix on all default entries if you
>use more then one to allow the radius server to know which one to use.

No, in fact it is normal to NOT have one on the shell login. In fact, that
is how it is meant to be used. It was designed to have prefix/suffix on
everything *except* the shell logins - since you want the raw username passed
from the NAS to the final host.

But two things I failed to notice before:
1. The first line of a RADIUS entry should not end in a comma.
2. I'd put the simplest check item list (ie, the no prefix one) LAST.


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