Getting Service-Type=Login-User to work (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 03:02:37 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time J. Patrick Bedell shaped the electrons to say...
>DEFAULT Auth-Type=System,
> Service-Type=Login-User,
> Login-IP-Host=,
> Login-Service=Telnet
>DEFAULT Auth-Type=System,Prefix="P"
> Service-Type=Framed-User,
> Framed-Protocol=PPP,
> Framed-IP-Address=,
> Framed-Routing=None,
> Framed-MTU=1500
> My problem is that when I use a terminal emulation program
>(minicom with Linux) to dial my PM3, and enter my username, I get an
>"Invalid Login" response. If I enter Pusername, though, PPP is
>started up just fine. I am also able to login to the PM3 as !root.

You probably have the PM's ports set up for something like Network (Dialin)
and you'd need Login/Network (Dialin).

Even if RADIUS succeeds, you will get invalid login if RADIUS tells the NAS
to provide a service the NAS is not configured to provide.


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