Re: Shell Access

Stephen Zedalis (
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 16:42:19 -0400 (EDT)

If he is using Linux... Minicom is a terminal program (a knockoff of
the DOS Telix program). Are you sure that is the kind of "router" he
has? He already has a "shell", his own computer! Just have him configure
his box for PPP and then he has the exact equivalent of a "shell account"
on your network. ('cept it is going to be slower than your ethernet
boxes) If you wanted to do this, you just make his Login-Service =
Telnet or Rlogin and his Login-Host = your shell box IP number.

I would be careful with this guy. Sounds like he is trying to take
advantage of the situation and capitalize on your lack of knowledge.
He has the equivalent of shell already. Why does he feel he needs to
do it on your box? Does he want to compile using your CPU cycles.
Does he want to run a 24/7 MUD (multi-user dungeon game)? Or is he
looking for an opportunity to hack your system. Most systems don't
run shell because of the security risk, and those that do (if they are
smart) only offer a nutted shell that is running on its own box. That
way if he crashes it, it ain't a vital server that just went down.
It is apparent that he is already very familiar with UNIX so it isn't
"for training" either. From a shell box he can sniff your network
(if you aren't running switched ethernet). If all these warnings do
not deter you, go ahead and setup the radius account as above.

On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Luther D. Keal wrote:

>I've got a subscriber that wants shell access. He's using a Linux box
>with Minicom router as the dial-up media.
>He just wants shell access.
>I'm using PM-3 and a Linux box for authentication.
>How do I set up the PM-3 and/or the Radius to shut off PPP for his session
>so he comes straight in thru the PM-3 and into the Unix shell account.
>Sounds simple, but I'm clueless.
>Dave Keal