Re: PM3 stopping?

Tom Samplonius (
Sat, 5 Jul 1997 20:51:32 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 5 Jul 1997, Leonard wrote:

> Hi,
> I had a PM3 unit suddenly stop responding. I tried ping, telnet, and
> even direct cable-console connect, but couldn't get a thing. Funny thing
> was the (red) ethernet LED on the PM3 was still blinking. So I had no
> choice except to power-cycle it. It works fine again now. I just wish I
> could've gotten some info out of it as to why that happened :(
> Anyone have any ideas? If it helps, the other PM3s are still alive.
> Oh, it runs ComOS 3.5.1b11 and was up for about 60 days nonstop b4 that.
> I don't want to bother Livingston with this just yet, but was wondering
> if any1 else had a similar thing happen, and an hoping for a possible
> explanation/suggestion.
> Thanks in advance!

b11? That was a closed beta that was only available direct from
Livingston support. ALL closed betas have KNOWN problems. That should be
obvious. If they were generally good, they would have been released as an
open beta. The only reason why you are using a closed beta because you
needed fixes/improvements in the beta urgently enought to risk closed beta

You ought to trash it and upgrade to b20. Not sure why you haven't done
this already.
