Fireworks for the 4th on our PM-3

David Glynn (
Fri, 04 Jul 1997 00:23:43 -0500

I'm just sitting with a telnet window open, watching the debug 0x51 go by
to debug someone's $19 combo modem-sound-game-ham-radio card, 13 users on
the PM-3, kinda quiet, when all of a sudden ....


telnet window is scrolling so fast I can barely make out port numbers going
by for about 25 seconds.

Now I'm freaking, figuring I'm about 2 seconds away from a core dump and a
reboot, hit sh all, and now there are 26 (!!) users online. Scrolled back
and looked at it, and it looks like our PM-3 smoothly and cleanly accepted
what has to be the weirdest 30 seconds of dial up traffic I've ever seen on
our net, with 13 users hitting it essentially simultaneously.

Very, very nice.

Oh, and Dale Reed's RADIUS ran right with the PM-3, authenticating it's
tail off.

It's one thing to think your hardware (and software) is capable of whatever
is thrown at it, quite another to watch it in real time.

Kudos all around. I am impressed.

Happy 4th!

David Glynn "When you're swimming in the creek And an eel bites your cheek
That's a Moray!" - The Freak Bros.