Re: 3com Impact IQ ISDN and PM3

Michael Brennen (
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 17:14:22 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Tom Samplonius wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Michael Brennen wrote:
> > Interesting. I just got off the phone after about an hour with a client
> > having trouble connecting with a 3com Impact on a Win95 machine. No one
> > else is having trouble connecting, ISDN or otherwise. Any known problems
> > with the 3com Impact??? Firmware/driver issues?
> Every 3COM Impact that I set has taken less then 15 minutes, whether
> calling a PM3 or a AS5200.

I just talked to another client with a 3Com Impact, and he can't get on
either; he's getting some error about the far end not answering.

Both these guys have successfully connected before. About the only change
I've made is to enable OSPF add add a subnetted class C, but the IPs
assigned to the dialups are not from that block of addresses. Shouldn't
have anything to do with it.

I've asked one to get a low level dump of the session, and I'll send that
to Livingston.

-- Michael