Re: MCI PRI Switch

Joe Portman (
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 19:36:58 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Alex Rodriguez wrote:

> Word to the wise DO NOT go with MCI local service. They have no clue
> what they are doing. Please do not send me emails on how well it is
> working for you. I have 11 ts with MCI local, and they suck.

I have 20 MCI T's. As quickly as I can, I will have none.

MCI has just announced new "ISP-Friendly" pricing, over twice my current


For the last 4 months they have been dicking me around when I try to order
lines, saying it's in the hands of a mythical "carrier group" which does
not exist.

Last Thursday they flew some high powered suits in from DC to tell me the
great news: I can buy as many T's as I like now, instead of being dicked

That's the good news.

The bad news: Just about a 100% price increase, effective August 15th.

If you are an MCI local services customer using mostly inbound calling (IE
an ISP), MCI does not want your business anymore.

I am already starting my migration process, not an easy task with a 480
line hunt group and I intend to pursue any and all actions to recoup any
losses due to MCI's bad-faith negotiations and execrable billing

Their service is only mediocre, and their inability to produce a legible
bill is legendary.

Their dishonesty and misrepresentation have left a foul taste that will
last forever.

My advice to any and all who will listen is this:


They care nothing for business relationships and nothing for honesty or
integrity, as far as I have experienced.

They'll drop their pants to get your business, then when you are depending
on them, they'll let you down hard.

I can go on and on, 18 hours offline due to switch programming stupidity,
massive call blocking due to under-trunking, busy signals generated by the
switch when I have 25% free capacity, etc. etc. Poor connect rates due to
misoptioned T1's, etc. etc, and now this game with the pricing.

They have made an implacable and unforgiving enemy here. I will use any
and all convenient means to blacken their name with every potentical MCI
customer I contact and that is no small number.

Joe Portman

> >Ordered my PRI from MCI... All configs went according to the provisioning
> >paper, except switch type.
> >
> >MCI says they only have the Siemens EWSD switch.
> >
> >Is this OK?
> >
> >thanks
> >ryan
> >
> >
> Thank You,
> Alex Rodriguez
> Director of Business Development
> \\\\
> (@ @)
> +________________ooOo_(-)_oOoo________________________________+
> | Alejandro Rodriguez \\\\ HouseIt |
> | 100 South Biscayne Blvd. |
> | Suite 1315 |
> | Miami, Florida 33131 |
> | 305.507.5500 |
> | |
> | HouseIt is a Division of Netrox |
> +_____________________________________________________________+
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
> deserve neither liberty nor safety."
> Benjamin Franklin 1759

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