Multi-Class C Routing (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 19:05:17 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Aaron shaped the electrons to say...
>is it possible for a pm3 to be on one class C, and give out dynamic ip's
>from a different class C? my 2 class C's are contigious.. 208.211.146,

yes, this is possible. You may want to run OSPF to make your life easier
as far as routing is concerned.

>i have a cisco router, and i enabled igrp routing for the 2 class C's..

Note that igrp is a Cisco thing.

>customers w/ static (146) ip's no longer work.. i'm not running OSPF in my
>network at all..

Which is what you really need to do in this situation.


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