PM3 & ComOS 3.5.1b8

J Rowley (
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 21:26:14 -0400 (EDT)


I just noticed tonight, that while logged into one of our PM3's, this
message gets echo'd to the console.

pm3-2> mdp_rx_ppp: M9 CRC Error cc 04f7
mdp_rx_ppp: M9 CRC Error cc 04bc
mdp_rx_ppp: M9 CRC Error cc 04ef
mdp_rx_ppp: M9 CRC Error cc 04ff
mdp_rx_ppp: M9 CRC Error cc 0430
mdp_rx_ppp: M9 CRC Error cc 042e

I'm also starting to get this now in addition to the above:
pm3-2> mem_free: Free failed for ident 31
mem_free: Free failed for ident 31
mem_free: Free failed for ident 31
mem_free: Free failed for ident 31

A sh mem shows 891592 bytes of available memory.

This unit's been up for a little over 3 days since I downgraded them from
3.5.1b20 to 3.5.1b8. I never noticed this until now. In fact, there
haven't been any errors in the past 5 minutes. I'm a little
concerned about the mem_free errors though. Should I be worried about


J Rowley                      Sleep is a sign of         BitStorm, Inc.
SysAdmin / WebMaster         caffeine deprivation          407-668-0670
All around cool guy