Re: Multi-Class C Routing

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 15:20:10 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, Aaron (Zim) wrote:

> is it possible for a pm3 to be on one class C, and give out dynamic ip's
> from a different class C? my 2 class C's are contigious.. 208.211.146,
> 208.211.147
> i have a cisco router, and i enabled igrp routing for the 2 class C's..
> but what i'm running into is if i set the pm3's on say the 146 class C, i
> can't give out 147 ip addresses.. (that work) and the other side of the
> problem, i can set it to 147 and the dynamic ip's work, but then my
> customers w/ static (146) ip's no longer work.. i'm not running OSPF in my
> network at all..
> i know its some sort of routing problem, and i can watch the packets when i
> connect w/ a dynamic (147) ip.. when i try to ping.. the request packets
> come in fine, but the response packets never find their destination..
> i've tried everything i could think of.. anyone have any brilliant insight
> they wouldn't mind sharing? i'd REALLY appreciate it..
> btw.. this isn't a problem reaching the PM3 from the network, its the user
> dialing into the PM3

Static route the block on your cisco pointing to the PM3.... or look at

Aloha from Paradise,
