Re: IRX <-> Cisco 7513 Hardwired

Adrian Carter (
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 10:53:42 +1000

At 00:10 1/07/97 -0700, Robert Hanson wrote:
>if im reading this correctly you are trying to do an inhouse ptp t1?

E1, clocked at 512k.

>if so, do you have 2 t1 dsu units?

Nope, its a straight cable from port to port .

>one would have to be set to clock the network and the other would accept
>the clocking from the provider side...

Indeed, IRX's have no clock, and MUST have an external clock. The cisco is
configured to provide an external clock.

>id have to check my notes on a null modem link from ser to ser and the
>need or absence of clocking in that scenario from cisco to liv...

Clocking must be provided, I know that much. =)

I have been told repeatedly I need a DTE to DCE cable.... Not DTE to DTE.
*shrug* as I said, im no router guru, or even plebe for that matter =)


> Robert H. Hanson
>422 West Riverside Cutting Edge Communications, Inc.
> Suite #516
>Spokane, Wa. 99201 Regional Commercial Internet Service Provider
> (509) 444-INET email: -

*Adrian Carter                                	Email:	*
*Network Administrator	 	              URL:	*
*The Asia Pacific Internet Company Pty Ltd	Autoresp:	*
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