Re: Tunneling with portmaster? (fwd)

Pedro Melo (
Tue, 01 Jul 1997 13:34:18 GMT

On Tue, 1 Jul 1997 05:17:28 -0700 (PDT), MegaZone <>

>Once upon a time Pedro Melo shaped the electrons to say...
>>Any ideias on the position of IPSec on the Eng. todo list? Top, bottom, middle?
>Pretty much ready. The 5th RFC is still in final approval, 4 are already
>standard. We need to wait for the 5th to ensure we're completely standards

One thing left to ask...

In which boxes will it run? All?

basically, right now, I have a coupple of customers with a 1603 (cisco) each
with a 64k line and a ISDN backup with a tunnel between them. Which box would
people recommend to a situation like that?



************** Pedro Melo ( BOFH ******************
*   TELENET, Servicos de Telecomunicacoes, SA - Tel +351 1 3139190   *
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