missing STOP records

Ilya Etingof (ilya@glas.apc.org)
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 16:57:32 +0400 (WSU DST)

Our PM2eR30 with ComOS 3.5 / 4MB RAM sometimes doesn't seem to terminate
slip/ppp dialin sessions:

Jul 1 13:13:15 pm1 dialnet: port S8 aloginov ppp succeeded dest
Jul 1 13:13:18 pm1 dialnet: port S8 connection succeeded dest ppp615.glas.apc.o
Jul 1 13:17:55 pm1 portmaster: port S8 Login succeeded for ksrayif
Jul 1 13:19:27 pm1 portmaster: port S8 session disconnected user ksrayif

e.g. preffy often we have no record like:

Jul 1 13:21:35 pm1 dialnet: port S8 session disconnected dest ppp615.glas.apc.org

in our syslog file.

In consequence, and what is really annoying, our pm doesn't send accounting
stop records so sometimes our users are charged for longer sessions than they
actually had! Here is a quote from our Radius log:

Tue Jul 1 13:13:20 1997: Authentication: 214/23 'aloginov ppp' via pm1 from pm1 port 8 PPP - OK
Tue Jul 1 13:13:24 1997: Accounting: 216/94 'aloginov ppp' via pm1 from pm1 port 8 Start - OK
Tue Jul 1 13:18:00 1997: Authentication: 228/27 'ksrayif ' via pm1 from pm1 port 8 dumb - OK
Tue Jul 1 13:18:00 1997: Accounting: 229/106 'ksrayif ' via pm1 from pm1 port 8 Start - OK
Tue Jul 1 13:19:32 1997: Accounting: 234/109 'ksrayif ' via pm1 from pm1 port 8 Stop - OK

What may be wrong here? Is this a bug in ComOS or performance problem or what?


>From: Randy Moore <ramoore@atlantech.net>
>Message-ID: <>
>Reply-To: Randy Moore <ramoore@atlantech.net>
>Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 17:04:26 -0400
>I am having a continuing problem with missing STOP records from a PM2ER30.
>I had hoped that an upgrade from COM/OS 3.1.4 to 3.3.1 would solve the
>problem, but it didn't seem to make any difference.
>The missing STOP record only seems to happen when someone has trouble
>establishing a good connection. In other words, they connect briefly, but
>are almost immediately dropped. I have yet to see this happen to
>anyone who
>consistently gets good connections (due to good modem, phone lines,
>whatever). I have one customer who (due to a cheap modem) usually gets
>dropped two out of three calls. The system loses the STOP record for
>him a
>couple of times per week.
>This is a problem because I'm using the ESVA radius to limit the number of
>simultanous connections. When radius does not get the STOP record, it
>assumes the caller is still dialed in until someone else calls in on the
>same port. Under some conditions, this can take a while.
>Is anyone else see this kind of problem?
>Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing it?
>- Randy Moore
>Atlantech Online, Inc.
>(301) 470-2977