Re: IRX <-> Cisco 7513 Hardwired

Tom Samplonius (
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 00:01:59 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, Adrian Carter wrote:

> So, is this the correct way to be going about things? since the network is
> hardwired, should I not be 'crossing' the TX & RX pins? If this is so, do I
> also need to cross the IND & CTRL pins?

Yes, you need to cross TX and RX. Most cables are designed for DTE-DCE
connects. You are doing a DTE-DTE.

You also need to make that the Cisco is providing clocking.

I've done work at a site where they use V.35 for several backbone
connections, and it seems to me that they had stock Cisco cable for this.
They also have a PM2eR with a 2mbs serial into a 7000. I didn't stop to
look at the cable though...

> Can *ANYONE* offer advice on this one? I am stumped, and have to make this
> work, but not being 'router savvy', im at a loss =(.
> Regards
> Adrian
> --
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