Re: ISP Billing Software

Neal Rigney (
Thu, 1 May 1997 08:15:59 -0500 (CDT)

On Wed, 30 Apr 1997 wrote:

> does anyone have any suggestion to ISP Billing software as well as
> accounting software. Seem like Coolworld is pretty Godd but a bit pricy.
> 1000 users minimum 1,300.00

More than we paid(thank god).

> automated emailer unlimited 495.00

Never could find a good reason to have this.

> Internet Administration(pretty Cool)1000 users 595.00

This thing's passable at best. Maybe the latest version is better. I had
to go round and round with their "head programmer" because it wouldn't
encryupt passwords correctly on FreeBSD. They ended up sending me the
source from their crypt routines(they were wrong). Took three weeks for
them to fix the problem. And the stuff they send you isn't expandable
easily/cheaply. In order to do things like write your own password
changer(so users can do it themselves), you have to get their ISPMon SDK.
Last time I spoke to them it was in the $400+ range.

> IC Verify for windows multiuser 370.00

Dunno. They sent us a copy of ICVerify for DOS when we paid them $370.
You sure they aren't giving you the price for that?

> Also the cheapest credit card company charges
> 2.39% of all charge transactions
> .25 per transaction
> 195.00 Applications cost

Don't know who they're going through. We just had a serious problem with
our company, but it may not be the one they use...

> I like the Administrator from what I can read on it that it lets you edit
> radius files and add users. Well i can edit the adduser.c to add entries in
> the radius but still has some nice features.

You can't edit radius files per-say. You can Add, Delete, change
password either a shell or network account. It's rather difficult in our
app(we store passwd in NIS, authenticate from it to radius). You also
aren't supposed to use ISPmon on more than one server.

> Well any suggestions on the prices of IC verify and/or other billing
> software???

Please note: Coolworld's software HAS enabled us to actually bill people
correctly. They've been pretty good about keeping the program current. I
think they're charging *WAY* too much for the software(did I mention it's
all based on Access? To get any kind of performance, we have to run it on
a 32M Pnetium 120.), but I haven't really found anything better. You
might need to balance home-brew against cost. It's entirely possible you
could(given good enough coders at your site) develope a package from
scratch for cheaper. We couldn't at the time we purchased Internet
Billing, so we've been at their mercy.

Neal Rigney, PERnet Communications, (409)729-4638
"I've seen better bandwidth between two gorillas with flash cards!"