Routing a subnet

Todd Knaus (
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 12:24:18 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Fellow Portmaster Users,

I am attempting to route a subnet ( thru my PM3. Can
anyone supply a reference as to how to do this ? Do I need/should I use
OSPF ? Or should I just setup a static route in the routing tables ?

If you require more detail as to what I am doing. I have a customer
connected to us 24 hours a day 7 days a week via a 33.6 modem. They have
a static IP address of On thier end they have a number
of PC's, couple of Macs and a web server.

On my old system (Telebit Netblazer) I have a route setup in my tables to
route the subnet thru the static IP address Then of coure in my CISCO router I have the subnet setup
to point to the netblazer.

Since we are phasing out the Netblazer I now need to point the CISCO
routing to the PM3, which is no problem. Then setup the PM3 to route the
subnet thru the static IP....basically the same way I have it setup on the
Netblazer. However, I am having some minor difficulty doing this and
could use some hints, tips, points, references, etc.

Todd Knaus | CISNet, Inc. | Youngstown Ohio's
Vice President | Internet Services | Full Service Internet Provider
(330)629-2691 P |-----------------------|
(330)629-2692 F | |