Continuous dialout not working

Nick Johnson (
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 08:29:24 -0500 (CDT)

I have a PM3 running ComOS 3.5.1b8 and I can't seem to make it initiate a
connection with a customer. I have the connection set up with type
"Automatic", in dial group 1 (which I have allocated 2 ports to) with
options "Listen, VJ-comp, Multilink". The Max ports is set to 2, and the
phone number is set.

The main problem is that I can't seem to persuade the PM3 to dial out; I
can force it to dial manually via the dial command, but it will never
attempt a connection on its own.

Attempts to set up chat scripts have failed as well.


Nick Johnson, writer of code, fixer of modems
Gulf Coast Internet Systems Engineering Team
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