Question about PM-3 and Line side T1's

Cameron Christian (
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 12:55:31 -0600


I am sure that someone has encountered this issue in the past and I am =
wondering what you may have done to solve it or deal with it. =20

First, I am in US West territory in Idaho and I have three Line Side =
Channelized DSS T1's in three different locations. I curently have =
Ascend Max 4002's plugged into these lines and the maximum connect rate =
that I am able to achieve is 26,400 and even that is only occasionally, =
the most common connect rate that I get is 21,600. I am now being told =
by Ascend that because this is a line side T1 and not a Trunck side T1 =
that I am only going to get 21600 and I had better just live with it or =
pay US West 900 more per month per T1. Normally I wopuld just grin and =
bear it but when I had a crappy $2000.00 D4 channel bank attached to the =
same T1 i was getting connect rates of 28.8 and 33.6 to analog modems. =
I am hoping that anyone has had some experience in this whether good or =
bad i would love to hear about it.

I will be testing a PM-3 today to see if I get similar results.

BTW PRI is not available in my area.

Best Regards,

Cameron Christian, General Manager, RMC Internet Services, =,, (208) 336-9200