Re: urget!

Rick Osteen (
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 09:16:27 +0000

At 08:31 AM 4/29/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>I have upgraded from os 3.3.3-pm2er up to 3.5 and thought everything was
>>going ok?
>>I have a customer that has an isdn connection doing multilink PPP and can no
>>longer get out past our network onto the rest of the internet.
>>From within, I can ping to the rest of the world and then to the ip
>>connection that has dialed in BUT no further towards the customer's
>>network.(they have a cisco 2500)
>I suspect that there is a routing problem somewhere. Check all routes.
>I am about to do the same thing where I work (PM2 -> cisco). Would it be
>for you to give me the config you use for doing this? I haven't configured a
>portmaster in ages and getting ISDN up on one just got thrown in my lap (if
>you need help with the cisco I know that pretty well).
>ken emery

The problem is with the routing tables. I had a few static routes before I
upgraded and the new os did not like them. One route got changed as to the
number of hops and the other looked ok but was unaccepted.
del route xxx.x.x.x 1(or however many hops) [retrun]
should get rid of it.
to add just type:
add route xx.xx.xx.xx xxx.x.x.x 1 [return]
then add a netm to it:
add netm xxx.x.x.x. 255.255.255.???
save all
and that should do it for the routes.

A user config for isdn is as below:
sho user Name withwhold
Username: withhold Type: Dial-in Network User
Address: xxx.x.c.x Netmask:
Protocol: PPP Options: Quiet, Listen
MTU: 1500 Async Map: 00000000

Just do an add netu username pass password addr xxx.x.c.x netm
proto ppp mtu 1500 [return]
set user username routing on
set user username maxports 2
set user username idle 0
save all

I think that should do it.
Hope this helps,