Re: urget!

Sherwood Pekelo (
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 17:20:39 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 29 Apr 1997, Rick Osteen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have upgraded from os 3.3.3-pm2er up to 3.5 and thought everything was
> going ok?
> I have a customer that has an isdn connection doing multilink PPP and can no
> longer get out past our network onto the rest of the internet.
> >From within, I can ping to the rest of the world and then to the ip
> connection that has dialed in BUT no further towards the customer's
> network.(they have a cisco 2500)
> Thanks for any help,
> Rick
> ps. it was working before I upgraded :)

Rick first thing... did you read the manual? did you read the release
notes? did you read through archives?

8) if you had, you'd realize that you pretty much have to rebuild
everything... usertables and such, at least that's my impression...

Check the user tables and also see if OSPF, VLSM, etc are on...

Note: I haven't upgraded my PM2 to ComOS 3.5x too lazy to upgrade
something that works like a charm... ;)

But I sure do love my PM3!

