Re: OSPF with 5BRI card

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 19:08:53 -0700 (PDT) asks:
> I was running COMOS 3.5 on my pm-2e with a 5bri card and tried to
> activate OSPF -- it stopped the machine in its tracks. Turning off
> OSPF fixed things.

If you had 1 MB of memory, did you upgrade to 4 MB of memory first?
Running ISDN *and* OSPF on a PM-2E in 1 MB would be pretty tight.

To expand the memory in a PortMaster 2, replace the four 256KB
by 9 (parity) 30-pin 70ns SIMMs with four 1MB SIMMs (providing 4MB of
memory). Mixing SIMMs is not supported. The PortMaster will
auto-detect the amount of memory at boot time. You can use either 3
chip or 9 chip SIMMs.

If you did have 4 MB of memory and it did that, contact Livingston Technical
Support at 800-458-9966 Mon-Fri 6am to 5pm PDT.

Carl Rigney