Re: VitalSigns NetMedic

John G. Thompson (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 17:56:36 -0700

The "set reported_ip a.b.c.d" command tells the ComOS to report itself as
the IP address a.c.b.d on dial up network connections instead of its ether0
IP address. Very handy for older dial up software that HAD to know and get
the same remote IP address.


At 06:34 PM 4/28/97 -0600, Stephen Fisher wrote:
>How does the "set reported_ip" command work anyway?
>Does it just tell the user it is assigning them a certain ip address? Or
>does it do some sort of proxying so that they can use it as a gateway even
>if it is another portmaster?
>On Mon, 28 Apr 1997, Stephen Zedalis wrote:
>> One way around this without upgrading ComOS, is to "set reported
>>" and give the same reported IP in all your term servers
>> (a dummy address not used elsewhere in your network), then have all your
>> Win95 machines set their gateway address to this bogus reported value.
>> Only the dialup machines will see this number. This is kind of a
>> kludge. I still recommend upgrading instead.
John G. Thompson Livingston Enterprises Inc. Phone: (800) 458-9966
JOAT(MON) 4464 Willow Road Fax: (510)737-2110 Pleasanton, CA 94588
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