Re: US West -> Digital Switched Service

Joe Portman (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 13:24:23 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 28 Apr 1997, Brian Elfert wrote:
> This is true. Here in Minneapolis, MN, MCI is just getting started. They
> are charging about $25 per channel per month for trunk side T1s. MCI does
> not plan to charge any install fees during 1997.

Be very, very careful. MCI promised us the world to get our business and
they got it with very agressive marketing. That was about a year ago.

We now have about 22 MCI T1's for dial tone. They have informed us we
cannot have any more. Nice, huh?

> US West charges about $55 per channel for the same service. They also
> charge about $100 per channel install.

Yup, but you can buy as many as you need, and right now I need to arrange
for about 125 T1's worth over the next year. MCI does not want the
business, can you believe it?

> Guess who gets our business? If MCI can do PRI at anywhere near these
> rates, we can say bye-bye to US West BRI too.

In my case I am negotiating with _everyone_ here to get at least a dozen
T1's ordered for June.

I'd love it if MCI would live up to their promises.

Joe Portman - Alternate Access Inc. Affordable, Reliable Internet