Re: VitalSigns NetMedic

Kevin Smith (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 12:49:56 -0700

At 01:01 PM 4/28/97 -0500, Brian E. Golon wrote:
>Can anyone offer any solutions to this predicament?
>NetMedic has a Notify option which lets you alert your
>ISP of the 'potential' problem. This could turn into
>a real headache.'s already begun. From the ascend-users mailing list:

Hugh Tebault ( wrote:

>NETMEDIC does seem to automatically (without user control/configuration)
>ping out to various IP addresses... This DOES CAUSE a ISDN LINK to stay
>up... It sends pings out about 1 minute apart.
>I have a protocol trace if you'd like. It took me a few minutes to
>figure out which machine was keeping the P75 link up, then finding which
>application was being so verbose.
>I strongly suggest that NETMEDIC immediately post a notice about their
>behavior, and Ascend also post a note with and notify Customer Service
>about this Telco revenue generator.

And Joe Portman <> also added:

>Some of our users were setting it up to send those annoying "trouble
>reports" to our support mailling list. After about 50 of them, I got fed
>up and hacked our mailing list to auto-reject it with a nasty gram asking
>them if they had a specific question. :-)
>Our "egress" router never breaks 10% CPU or 30% bandwidth used (a 10 MBIT
>As far as I can tell, Net-Medic is a piece of optimistic CRAP.
>Quite annoying and quite wrong.

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