US West -> Digital Switched Service

PM Mailing List (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 12:43:13 -0500 (CDT)

Anyone order this from US West? From what I can tell, it is channelized
T-1. What I am wondering is if this is the same as "SelectVideo Plus"
from SWBell. From SWBell's web page, the reason SelectVideo Plus is
cheaper is because it's "a switched service, [so] you don't pay for a
full-time, dedicated line."

Since USWest's DSS is also a switched service, would this also be the
case? One of the User Benefits mentioned of this service on is "Price competitive". This would seem to indicate so.

Anyone care to comment? The last time we got a quote from US West
regarding channelized T-1, it ran close to 2K/month. Thanks.

P.S. Please email copy of replies (am subscribed to the digest).