Re: PM3 and X2 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 05:48:00 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jake Messinger shaped the electrons to say...
>This is the stupidist thing Ive heard in a while. Not calling you stupid
>MZ. Im calling the requirement stupid. The effect is not going to be what
>is desired.

Basically USR said they wouldn't let anyone else do X2 - so to prevent
USR from having the uberserver that can do everything the K56flex group
said "fine, then you can't do K56flex either". If they let USR do K56flex
then USR would have the only server to do everything. As it is now USR
is stuck alone with X2 and *everyone* else is K56flex. On the client end
it looks like USR and Hayes - Practical Peripherials and Cardinal are part
of Hayes. And Hayes said they are doing it just to take away marketshare
from USR. Hayes is using their name ot back K56flex.


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