Re: X2 PM2e-30

Doug Ingraham (
Sun, 27 Apr 1997 14:34:18 -0600 (MDT)

On Sun, 27 Apr 1997, David Davies wrote:

> > You should be able to do a BRI using something like a USR Imodem to get
> > 56K... at least that's a theory...
> Yep and that works like a champ, using one of our BRI lines. Now all I
> have to do is figure out if we want to keep this one USR modem lying around
> for one client.

But doesn't this waste one B channel? In my area this would mean that one
X2 line would cost us $80/month. Or does the Imodem allow the second B
channel to be used in some way? Voice perhaps? I cannot tell from the
USR Web page info.

Doug Ingraham There are two kinds of people in the world.
Rapid City, SD Those who put everything in two categories
USA and those who don't.