Re: your mail

Gene Imes (
Sun, 27 Apr 1997 13:13:24 -0500 (CDT)

On Sun, 27 Apr 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:

> I posted for a few reasons. First to solicit responses from others who
> might like to see in.pmd for linux or bsd, and second, to let the
> Livingston people that read this list see that there is an interest for
> in.pmd on other platforms.
> Id like to see someone who makes those decisions or is involved in that
> procedure respond.

My original post on this subject was to get a show of the number of people
who would like to see in.pmd and a stable pmconsole(generally all software
products) done for what I know to be a sizeable part of the Livingston
market. I do mean for up to date kernels, 2.0.x not 1.2.x.

Livingston, though making very good products, is woefully deficient in
software support for the Linux platform.

Gene Imes