Re: X2 PM2e-30 and Digital Pabx

Miguel Correia Lima (
Sun, 27 Apr 1997 09:51:10 -0300 (EST)

Hi Scrivner,

On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, John Scrivner wrote:

> I am sure you could ask several people and get several different answers.
> The only way to know for sure is to try it.

Snif! It's very hard! We afraid of lose money!

> The worst case would be that you
> get solid connects at the best rates the lines were capable of with that
> configuration.

We know this! Only 60% of our user will can use it! We have a sort that
a local tel company has 80% of your CPAs linked in digital modes using
Otical fiber, an a very inteligent topologie that has inumerous

> If the digital links are not going through any compression
> then I would say you have a chance. If I am not mistaken HDSL does use some
> compression and may or may not support the X2 throughput.

We consult the HDSL modem manual, ( the tel company use Pairgain
modems) and it DONT has compression. Its transmit 32 full channels of
64Kbits, but at time we dont use all features of this PABX like digital
extensions lines.

If you have any notice that can help us, please e-mail us!

Miguel Correia Lima - Tech. Dep.
Triangulo Internet Provider
Fone/Fax: +55-34-216-4251