Re: your mail

Captain Scarlet (
Sat, 26 Apr 1997 20:54:50 -0700 (PDT)

> I'm personally looking for it on the BSD/OS platform. They don't seem to
> have it for BSD/OS, FreeBSD, or Linux.

OK, it's time to do a little setting-straight of the record.

We have ZERO support for FreeBSD, and I doubt that we ever will have
it. Both BSD/OS and Linux binaries can be used on FreeBSD if the
appropriate compatibility packages are installed, and given that fact,
it's a wasteful duplication of effort to implement native FreeBSD

There are binaries for in.pmd kicking around that were compiled on
BSD/OS 2.0 and Linux 1.2.13, respectively, but since they never went
through a formal beta process (no, I don't know why not), they were
never authorized for release by Engineering. They're considered
experimental, unsupported code and can only be given out under special
circumstances, since Technical Support CANNOT support them should
anything go wrong.


'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves  |  Benjamin D. Hutchins, texaport minion
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:     |  Livingston Enterprises, Inc.
All mimsy were the borogoves,        |  BellNet 800-458-9966 FAX 510-737-2110
And the mome raths outgrabe.   -><-  |      S.I.G.