Re: Livingston's outstanding support

Joshua Barney (
Sat, 26 Apr 1997 08:57:01 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, Dan Struthers wrote:

> To all;
> My second major network infrastructure problem in 2 years and who is the
> first to call back and spend substantial time chasing it down? Livingston,
> thats who. Thanks for the quick response and the helpfull suggestions (it
> turned out to be a routing problem from Bellglobal) and I am now 100%
> functional and even more convinced to stay with Livingston as we upgrade our
> 8 portmaster 2's to 3's in the near future. Keep up the good work guys!
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Dan Struthers
> The solution to any problem lies in its proper definition.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
Yes I had tech support spend most of their time yesterday helping me...
Thanks a million!!!!

Joshua Barney -- Northeast Nebraska ComNet
Network Administrator (402) 373-4603