Re: What do the db levels Mean(T1 questions)

Kyle Platts (
Fri, 25 Apr 97 17:28:34 -0500

>Could I simulate a T1 in house, I have 2 Adtran TSUs, Livingston =
Router and a PM2ER. Could I hook them up directly(the Adtrans) and =
a T1. The reason I ask, is we are helping a customer set up a =
Point to
Point T1 and it will be a couple of weeks before they can get =
their T1
installed. It would be nice to get all the equipment set up, =
routing and
all that in house.

Yes, you can do this. Just remember to set one TSU for internal =
timing and the other for loop. Don't forget to roll the pairs =
between the units also.

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services