Re: What do the db levels Mean

Dusan Janjic (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 09:55:57 -0400

Joel M Snyder wrote:
> > From: Paul M Mockett Jr <>
> > My first CT1 from MCI always had these levels, and my current 3 CT1
> > lines from USWest do too. Should I be complaining to USWest to get
> > these levels raised, or do I need to shorten my cat5 cable run from
> > the current 30 feet to something closer?
> You should stop using cat5 cable. That is entirely inappropriate for a
> connection to a T1 network. Use a real T1 cable, which is a rather
> specialized cable between RJ48s, with shielding and cable geometry
> promoting separation of pairs. See "D-shield" in any T1 text.
> jms

Can someone from Livingston tell us if these are the type of cables
shipped with PM3? Thanks

Dusan Janjic
Rockbridge Global Village
17 S. Jefferson
Lexington, VA 24450