Access without authentication

John D Cree (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 09:39:38 -0400 (EDT)

Interested to know if any-one has observed ther following behaviour.

I have a client using PM2e30's for dialin using RADIUS for authentication.
He tells the following story;
"My user can dial in using Win95 dial client showing terminal window after
establishing a connection for EUA purposes. Upon the terminal window
opening, he can hit enter-backspace-enter (or similar combination) and be
granted access without authentication. His user then went to another station
and dialed in again and using the same method was able to get in."
In his panic he 'pulled plugs' effectively resetting everything instead of
trying to see what was happenning, corrupting files that would have given
some information on exactly what happened.
He has decided that this is the fault of the RADIUS server, however, it
seems to me that this key sequence should only ever have produced a "Login:"
response from the livingston. He assures me that there are no screwy entries
in the user table of the PM. As far as I am aware his user used a generic
keyboard, no weird mappings.=20
Could this have something to do with PAP????
Unfortunately, I do not know what ver of COMOS he is using.=20
Any ideas anyone.
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<( =D2 =D3 )> ( =D5 =D5 )=20
| John D Cree | |=20
| Cryptocard Corporation | Voice: (613) 253-8476 |
| 160 Industrial Ave. | 1 800 514-8809 Canada |
| Carleton Place, Ontario | 1 800 307-7042 Chicago |
| Canada, K7C 3T2 | Fax: (613) 253-8493 |
| | Internet: |
| | |
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