Re: What do the db levels Mean

Todd Taylor (
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 11:00:15 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 24 Apr 1997, Kelley Lingerfelt wrote:

> Just a followup from last night, these are the readings tonight at our
> remote site, with the pm3. We have had not had any Alarms or Violations
> in the last 24 hours.

[ cut ]

> Tonight's Readings
> Command> sh line0
> ---------------------- line0 - T1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------
> Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law
> Receive Level: -7.5dB to -15dB
> Alarms Violations
> ----------------------------- -----------------------------
> Blue 0 Bipolar 32813
> Yellow 1 CRC Errors 0
> Receive Carrier Loss 1 Multiframe Sync 50718
> Loss of Sync 1

[ cut]

Just a quick note here...whenever we lose sync with the telco, then you'll
see those bipolar violations and multiframe sync counters skyrocket until
we regain sync. You'll probably want to monitor how often you lose
sync, 'cause that'll give you a pretty good indication of the stability
of your circuit. In general though, you're looking good on that T1.
